Digital Perper d.o.o.
We are an IT - FinTech consulting and software development company, which is based in Budva and Bar, Montenegro.
We intend to spark around this initiative to foster new business ideas and pave the way to enable and empower the Digital Transformation in Montenegro.
We are making the digital world exactly as it should be – yours.
We believe,
that people have an inherent right to control the fruit of their legal labor
that global, open, instant, and low-cost movement of money will create immense economic opportunity and more commerce across the world
that people will increasingly trust decentralized forms of governance
that a montenegrin currency and financial infrastructure should be designed and governed as a public good
that we all have a responsibility to help advance financial inclusion, support ethical actors, and continuously uphold the integrity of the ecosystem
that the Blockchain is as an emerging technology which will help to foster new business ideas


The Perper Digital d.o.o. is an independent, membership organization and a kind of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO -Stylized Đ), is a form of investor-directed venture capital fund and it is headquartered in Budva, Montenegro.
Perper Digital should ultimately lead to the digital transforamtion of the Montenegrin society and the state itself.
With the help of the emerging technologies and with the predominant use of domain experts from Montenegro and originating from Montenegro and the region.
Also, in the spirit of blockchain technology, the company has determined to be truly social concept (community project) and that the success of the company itself really means the success of every citizen of Montenegro.

Digital Currency & Digital Payment System

Perper is a simple, global, digitally native, reserve-backed cryptocurrency, built on the foundation of blockchain technology.
People will be able to send, receive, spend, and secure their money, enabling a more inclusive global financial system.
Smart Cities

Digital solutions for a more livable future.
Merging data and digital technology, making better decisions with comprehensive, real-time data.
Injecting technology directly into the lives of residents and improving the quality of life.Perper will enable smarter citie and it isn’t just about how to get access to new data.
It’s about how to use and share that data in a way that benefits residents, visitors, companies and local government.e-Governement & Digital Identiy

We can convert public services into flexible e-solutions for its citizens and e-residents
and can facilitate citizen interactions with the state through the usage of electronic solutions.
and can facilitate citizen interactions with the state through the usage of electronic solutions.
Smart Contracts for Digital Identity Smart contracts can enable individuals to own and control their digital identity containing reputation, data and digital assets.
This allows individuals to choose what personal data to disclose to counterparties, giving enterprises the opportunity to seamlessly know their customers.
Perper Dapps

PerperNet is the underlying technology for many ground-breaking use cases and Applications.
These are some of the industries that are innovating with PerperNet.
These are some of the industries that are innovating with PerperNet.
We are developing blockchain ecosystems that improve business infrastructures.
Out software management system supports both public and private networks, while protecting even the most sensitive data from breaches.
Our Perper Network goes beyond blockchain for developers to create the next era of fast, fair, and secure applications.

Industry: Fintech: Payment System & Money transfer
Digital Perper d.o.o. is an online money transfer and cryptocurrency investment platform.
Digital Perper d.o.o. is an online money transfer and cryptocurrency investment platform.
- Without exchange rate fees, friends can transfer money in different currencies with a simple text.
- Perper is payment network using blockchain to transfer money within Montenegro and all over the globe.
You can use Perper’s platform to process and send payments on our secure blockchain network.
Perper is a simple, global, digitally native, reserve-backed cryptocurrency, built on the foundation of blockchain technology.
People will be able to send, receive, spend, and secure their money, enabling a more inclusive global financial system.
The Perper decentralized blockchain, a low-volatility cryptocurrency, and a smart contract platform that together aim to create a new opportunity for responsible financial services innovation.
Industy: Investment
We are offering investment opportunities in the montenegrin cryptocurrency called Perper.
Industry: Smart Cities
We entered into an LOI with streetopia, a technology leading and award winning smart city company. Both parties firmly believe that there is no alternative to Digital payment services in a smart city.
Endless services and usecases may be automatically billed and paid (eg road tolling, parking pricing, ...).
Endless services and usecases may be automatically billed and paid (eg road tolling, parking pricing, ...).
With our new strategic partner streetopia ( we are offering a consultancy service for Smart and Safe City applications, Industrial Security, National Security (to protect government assets) and a complete portfolio of communication technologies designed specifically to transform city to smart cities using street or industrial lights into an intelligent neural communications infrastructure, capable of opening up new possibilities for security solutions at the same time as reducing energy consumption.
Industry: e-Government
Our next project GlasAI is a mobile voting platform running on blockchain and makes election participation easier and more accessible by enabling voting via smartphone, while also thwarting election security risks by combining biometrics and blockchain for incorruptible, transparent election outcomes.
Industry: Digital Identity
A digital identity is a set of validated digital attributes and credentials for the digital world, similar to a person's identity for the real world.
Blockcerts- an open standard for creating, issuing, viewing and storing blockchain-based certificates.
Individuals can truthfully and transparently manage their identities by putting all achievements (resume, professional certifications, education history, etc.) on a real-time, secure blockchain.
Individuals can truthfully and transparently manage their identities by putting all achievements (resume, professional certifications, education history, etc.) on a real-time, secure blockchain.
Industry: Fintech, Cleantech
Our blockchain technology lets energy businesses, as well as individuals, manage peer-to-peer energy sales. We are using blockchain to turn energy into a managed, profitable asset.
Industry: Social Media, E-commerce
The PerperNetwork B2B social network connecting buyers and sellers. The company’s blockchain platform introduces the correct buyers to the correct sellers for their products, manages supply chain and acts as a communication tool for potential customers.
Industry: IoT, Supply Chain, Logistics
Perper Blockchain leverages blockchain-enabled IoT devices to make for a more transparent supply chain. The decentralized Chronicled ecosystem helps industries (like pharmaceutical, commodities and precious metals) track-and-trace every move their shipment takes. This way, industry officials can monitor where shipments travel and who is handling them in order to cut down on counterfeiting and boost safety precautions.
Industry: Internet of Things - IoT
We are building internet for decentralized apps. The PerperNet platform helps engineers build blockchain-based apps that lets developers own their own encrypted data without the need for a server. Users can join the company’s community and safely discover hundreds of blockchain apps.
Industry: Real Estate
Our next real estate platforms (prodAI & rentAI) uses blockchain to refine the way people market, search for, buy, sell and invest in properties.
Using smart contracts, the company conducts real estate transactions digitally using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or own Perper Coin (PER).
We are using smart real estate contracts to enact and maintain property purchase and rental agreements. Whether it’s paying rent, establishing mortgages or purchasing a home, the company’s smart contracts help to establish protocols that, if not met, immediately dissolve a contract.
Using smart contracts, the company conducts real estate transactions digitally using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or own Perper Coin (PER).
We are using smart real estate contracts to enact and maintain property purchase and rental agreements. Whether it’s paying rent, establishing mortgages or purchasing a home, the company’s smart contracts help to establish protocols that, if not met, immediately dissolve a contract.


Digital Payment Services

We are speaking with an european central bank.
Smart Cities

We went into a Letter of Intent with streetopetia.we entered into an LOI with streetopia (, a technology leading and award winning smart city company.
Both parties firmly believe that there is no alternative to Digital payment services in a smart city. Endless services and usecases may be automatically billed and paid (eg road tolling, parking pricing, ...).
e-Government & Digital Identiy

We are in contact with an innovation and technology hub of a south-eastern European state,
where we are urgently evaluating whether and how the could support or cooperate with Perper.
where we are urgently evaluating whether and how the could support or cooperate with Perper.
You want to collaborate with us?

We are searching for partners, companies inviduals to join us.



Head Office
Digital Perper d.o.o.
Digital Perper d.o.o.
Mainski Put 63
85310 Budva
85310 Budva

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